TCA peels are one of the most effective superficial to medium depth peeling agents. When performed properly, TCA peels can be very rewarding. Following the instructions carefully ensures a good outcome, however due to differences in skin types and reactions Planet Eden cannot guarantee outcomes and user assumes all liability and risks when using TCA.
Like all peels TCA has contraindications, it is recommended you do not use TCA if you have/had:
• Laser resurfacing within last 6 months
• Accutane within one year
• Hypersensitivity
• Dry, dehydrated skin
• Pregnancy or nursing
• Herpetic breakout (cold sore - have medication on hand as a TCA peel can cause a cold sore breakout)
• Open wounds/lesions or suspicious lesions
• Skin Cancer (chemotherapy treatment)
• Grade 3 and 4 acne.
Individuals with dark skin are strongly cautioned using TCA as it can cause patches of hypo-pigmentation (loss of skin color), please research if TCA is appropriate for your skin type. Your skin condition and overall health are the biggest factors in determining if you are a good candidate for a TCA peel. Applying this product without proper consultation constitutes as using at your own risk. If you have any concerns as to whether you should be applying this peel, please consult your dermatologists. If you have questions or concerns or need tips about the this peel you may contact us at support@myplaneteden.com and we will assist you.
Preparation is a vital step in order to maximize the efficacy of TCA peels. The amount of preparation is dependent on skin type and condition. Preparation can impact penetration of the peeling agent and the overall success of the peel. Preparation can also decrease the potential to develop post peel complications. Typical preparation products that are used 4 to 8 weeks prior to TCA peeling include: • Retinoids (Retin A, Tazorac, Retinol). Discontinue use of retinoid therapy 3 days prior to performing TCA peel. • Bleaching agents such as Hydroquinone, Kojic Acid, Azelaic Acid, Arbutin etc. • AHA’s such as Glycolic, Lactic, and Citric acids. Using a AHA cleanser at least 7 days prior to the peel is recommended.
1. Perform a patch test - this is crucial in determining if TCA is compatible with your skin. Apply a layer of TCA along the jaw line near the ear and wait 60 seconds or up to 3 min (depending on your skin type). Rinse area with cool water, wait 3 days and observe skin closely for any irritation/reactions (redness and tightness is all normal). If no major reactions are observed (blisters) then proceed with the peel. TCA can be diluted with water if you find the strength has caused severe irritation, try diluting the TCA by 50% by doing a 1:1 ratio of water to TCA.
2. Cleanse skin with a non-soap cleanser - preferably a AHA cleanser - Pat dry
3. Cleanse skin using 70% isopropyl alcohol, this removes all oil from skin’s surface. Skipping this step can block the TCA from reaching into the skin deep enough to work well.
3. Apply TCA to a gauze pad or cotton ball (wear gloves), carefully apply a thin layer to skin (avoiding eye area, inside nostrils and lips).
4. Wait 1-3 minutes, frosting may not occur unless additional layers are added (1 layer every 3-5 minutes until frosting occurs, additional layers should not be applied until your 3rd application). After 1-3 minutes rinse the skin with cool water and pat dry. Stinging/burning is a normal sensation although not everyone will feel this and lack of sensation does not indicate that the peel is not working. Follow up with post peel care.
Skin will likely become red (possible swelling) and tight for several days, apply a chemical free moisturizer (Aquaphor is good), aloe vera gel or oil (coconut, emu, almond..etc) to skin 3x or more per day. If skin becomes itchy apply hydrocortisone cream to the skin. Applying cold compresses to the skin can help with swelling and redness. Peeling will generally commence (If TCA was left on long enough) about 4-6 days after application. Your skin may turn a tan or brown color in about 2-3 days. Most of the skin will be completely exfoliated in approximately 7-10 days. Let your skin heal naturally and DO NOT EVER tug on any skin that is peeling from your face (you may trim with nail scissors) as it is protecting the new skin below it. If you exfoliate skin prematurely, you can be left with a pink colored skin, hyper-pigmentation or possibly scarring. A light skin scrub can be used on day 7 to remove small flakes. Use only gentle cleansers (none with acids) and do not rub skin dry (pat only) continue to apply moisturizers to the skin until fully healed. Skin may breakout due to acids bringing up deeply trapped oils from your pores, this is normal and will subside with additional peels. Individuals may find that TCA resolves acne issues with use. It is imperative you wear an SPF of 50+ after a TCA peel up to 30 days post peel to protect your skin from hyper-pigmentation (browning of new skin) and sunburn. Your skin will be more photosensitive to the sun and will burn more easily. Do not perform a TCA peel if you know you will be exposed to excessive amounts of sun, wearing a hat is recommended when outside. USAGE GUIDELINES It is not recommended to use TCA more than 1x every 10 days. Allow the skin to fully heal between applications, overuse of TCA can cause severe irritation of the skin. If using multiple layers on the skin downtime will be extended beyond 10 days. Only you can determine when your skin is ready for a TCA application. Never move up to the next percentage until you are applying five layers of your current percentage (5 minutes in between layers) and feel that you are ready for more flaking. Exercise caution for the best, most predictable results available. FIRST AID: If acid enters eyes rinse immediately with plenty of water, also under the eyelids, for at least 15 minutes. Immediate medical attention is required. Keep eye wide open while rinsing.
If you are an advanced user, you may now apply additional layers of TCA (20% strength or lower) for a deeper peel or to reach a frost. Always wait 5 minutes for the skin to coagulate (frosting may be apparent) before applying the next layer. If you see frosting on only certain areas of your face, you may apply another layer to the areas that did NOT have a frost. You will not apply more than 5 layers of solution. You will probably see a visible or spotty frost at 3 layers (skin turns white). *Only add on 1 extra layer at a time per treatment. Take the process slow. It should be the 3rd application before you get to 3 layers or more. 30% or higher TCA SHOULD NEVER BE LAYERED - It is meant to be diluted only! Skin peels are a progressive treatment, multiple applications are needed to achieve a goal, if you are expecting instant results with 1 or 2 applications you will likely be disappointed, allow yourself at least 3+ applications to see a positive change in your skin! If you find you did not peel the first or second application continue to apply the acids for longer periods of time and begin to layer the peel until you do peel.
For 7-12 days after the peel, clean the skin with warm water using a mild liquid cleanser. Use fingertips (not a wash cloth) since the skin is very sensitive at this time. Avoid the use of abrasive or exfoliating sponges. After cleansing, pat dry with a clean towel, and then apply ointment (mild moisturizer, coconut oil, aloe vera gel or antibiotic cream) to keep the exfoliating skin soft and the new skin protected.
Avoid sun exposure-this includes tanning beds. Sunlight on the skin after a peel can cause brown discoloration of the new skin. A sunscreen of SPF 50 or higher should be applied every morning before going outdoors. Do not use retinol products up to one week after your peel. For a minimum of one month after the peel procedure you should not have hair removed by a chemical process. Avoid chlorinated pools/spas for at least 2 weeks after the peel.
If your skin is going to peel, In the week following the peel you may experience swelling, mild flaking and/or redness, similar to a sunburn and irritation in the form of small blemishes (white raised bumps) where the peel deeply penetrated the pores. These reactions are normal and will subside with each subsequent peel. A lack of peeling skin does not indicate the peel did not work, it may take several peels to remove years of dead surface skin cells. Using natural carrier oils (jojoba, coconut or olive) will assist the skin in healing faster and will help slough off dead skin quicker.
Peeling starts 3-7 days AFTER the peel. If using for acne, acne may appear to get worse, continue treatment and acne will subside or disappear altogether. Peeling may or may not occur due to different skin tolerances. If acids were used on the skin too long blistering/burns and small red bumps may occur. Apply aloe vera gel and antibiotic cream to the skin until this subsides. Keeping a cool,wet washcloth in the fridge to use after a peel can be soothing to skin.
TIPS: If peeling is not occurring, increase the time on your skin 30-60 seconds each application until peeling does occurs. (up to 10 minutes) Using a mild (not harsh) skin scrub at least 3 days prior to applying the acids will also increase success rates (remove old dead skin). Applying a warm moist towel to the skin for 30-60 seconds before applying the peel solution will also allow the peel to penetrate better. The peel solution (except salicylic peel) may be added to your favorite moisturizer and used anywhere on the body.
All peels can be applied to other areas of the body, you will need to increase the time on the skin as other areas of the body (besides face/neck) will be more resistant to the acids- exfoliation of these areas at least 3 days prior is recommended for better results. Do not use “soap” based cleansers prior to using a peel, these cleansers will form a film and block the acids from penetrating the skin - use a non soap cleanser (a glycolic cleanser is recommended) It is NOT recommend you perform a peel more than every 7 days, optimal timing for peels is every 10-14 days to allow your skin a full time to heal. Diluting your peel may be necessary if it is too strong, adding water to your peel (except salicylic peels) will decrease the strength of your peel.
DISCLAIMER: In order to properly determine if a chemical peel is right for you, we strongly encourage thoroughly researching the process,procedure and outcome along with the contraindications and side effects. Our support staff are here to assist you in every way however, YOU ARE ASSUMING ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY AND RISK by purchasing and applying these products. Please take the time to properly assess whether you are willing to accept these terms and use at your discretion. Planet Eden is not responsible for the improper use or failure to follow instructions or complete a patch test to be sure it is compatible to your skin. BURNS SHOULD NOT OCCUR IF THE PATCH TEST WAS DONE PROPERLY. Use of product constitutes all liability of use. Use at your own risk! FDA SUNBURN ALERT: This product contains an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that may increase your skin's sensitivity to the sun and particularly the possibility of sunburn. Use a sunscreen, wear protective clothing, and limit sun exposure while using this product and for a week afterwards.